Interviews with members of platform party, Easington Miners’ Welfare Hall.
0:00 – Alan Cummings (NUM) asked about history of Hartlepool nuclear power station, that it had been originally planned to be coal
3:00 – Interviewer asks Alan to repeat part of the above
4:30 – Billy Stubbs (NUM) asked about Labour establishment and nuclear power
5:30 – Alan Cummings again, loss of coal-fired power stations in region, new risk of nuclear at Druridge
6:00 – Heather Wood (SEAM) Thatcher backing nuclear as part of drive to break unions
7:00 – Alan raises issues of nuclear waste and health risks
8:45 – Interviewer asks if the drive for nuclear power driven by need for plutonium for bombs. Billy thinks its about breaking unions (9.15) but Alan makes links to plutonium (10.40)
12:00 – Micky Hunt (?) (NUM Mechanics) – risk that closed mines could be used for storing nuclear waste
13:40 – Alan again on dangers of waste and long term costs of nuclear
15:00 – Micky talks about having been in the police; approach to policing strike has alienated public and will have long-term consequences. He’d left police in 1979 and riots squads being trained then – sees this as evidence of early planning for confrontation
20:00 discussion (Alan and Billy) of unity between unions and problems with leadership of some unions