Interview with group of young people, including Trevor Fox, sitting in a bar.
0:00 – Scenes of group of young people sitting round bar table. Heather Pickering, Helen Preston, Trevor Fox, Steven Taylor, Raf Mulla and some others at next table
1:30 – Interviewer asks how they got politically involved. Heather – by listening to others and working things out, women not expected to be politically involved, have been subject to ‘back to home’ propoganda. Helen – things can change if people act, need to have hope
4:50 – Trevor on how he became political. Again, by talking to people with different views, realises media run by bosses, doesn’t know why others don’t question things, understands pressures to conform
9:00 – For Raf it was influence of parents and friends, also the music scene. Heather agrees songs can make you think (not those on Radio 1). Trevor also is involved in theatre
12:00 – break and restart
13:00 – Interviewer asks about the peace issue. Trevor – Reagan an old man, young will inherit the world so should have a say. Spend on nuclear can’t be justified when there is poverty, youth unemployment; UK a non-floating battleship for US. For Raf nuclear weapons a symptom of an insane society
15:40 – To Heather, why have women responded to the nuclear issue? Pacifism of women at Greenham makes it harder for police to deal with them. Interviewer asks if it has not failed as missiles are here, Raf argues that no way could UK and US states have been beaten but it has opened up wider issues
20:00 – Film cuts, then interviewer asks about non-violent direct action. Discussion follows on whether violence inevitable and/or productive
28:00 – Interviewer asks if need to link anti-nuclear groups to miners. Discussion follows on whether nuclear is an attempt to undermine the NUM and on impact of pit closures on communities, including why nuclear has been preferred over renewables
39:00 – Interviewer asks what someone on the dole can do politically. Agreement that those on dole have time but little else. Trevor works on oil rigs and also has time during off forthnights
46:00 – Discussion moves on to communications between groups working in similar areas, gets heated on role of media
51:00 – Interviewer tries to bring discussion back to nuclear issues, it becomes heated over motives of Tory party. Filming ends at 58, background sound until 1.00.06